Applying for an overseas education loan can be a daunting task for every student as it requires endless paperwork and…
Study Abroad Education Loan: Indian Lenders Vs International Lenders
One of the main concerns for students who wish to study abroad is funding as the process of borrowing study…
CIBIL Score and Non-collateral Education Loan Process
The non-collateral education loan in India for study abroad process is pretty simple and straight-forward because it does not involve…
5 Best Tips to Get Lowest Interest Rate on Education Loan Abroad
Borrowing an education loan abroad can be one of the toughest challenges especially if it is backed with extravagant interest…
Give your Children a Gift of Education with Bank of Baroda Education Loan
Higher education can be costly, especially if it’s abroad. More daunting is the heavy interest that needs to be paid…
How much time does a overseas education loan provider take to process an education loan?
The general time takes anywhere from 2 days to 45 days. Generally banks are the slowest and it takes between…
What is the processing fee for education loan?
Processing fees is the upfront fees charged by the education loan provider to the applicant. There are the following types…
What is the interest rate flexibility offered by education Loan?
Some education loan providers have the flexibility where the applicant can choose to start repaying the interest plus principle after…
What are the pro and cons of taking insurance with education loan?
Generally when the student is taking an unsecured loan from a private bank or an NBFC like HDFC credila, Avanse,…
What are the girl child benefits while availing education loan? Which financial institutions provide benefit to the girl child?
Nationalized banks provide 0.50% rebate to girl child while taking an education loan. Private banks or NBFC do not provide…